Can I Complete My Matric Online?

You have the opportunity to complete a matric course through Distance Learning. The Adult Matric programme gives students who have not done matric or did not pass their matric year a chance to get their certificate by studying online matric.

Other options for online matric would be a Matric Upgrade Course or a Matric Rewrite Course

You can Upgrade your Matric via distance learning.

The Amended Senior Certificate

When you complete an Adult Matric course, you will be awarded an Amended Senior Certificate (NQF level 4). This award is identical to the National Senior Certificate you get when you complete a traditional matric course. Another way of achieving an Amended Matric Certificate is by rewriting your matric, in the event that you failed your first attempt, or by completing a Matric Upgrading course.

Completing The Adult Matric Course Online

Bellview Institute of Distance Learning is an educational body that offers the Adult Matric course online. This means that you will not need to attend any face-to-face classes. 

You can set your own study schedule, hand your assignments in and get an accredited matric certificate. The only thing that will not take place online, is your final examination which you will write at an official DHET examination centre.

Bellview – Adult Matric Course Accreditation

The Adult Matric course at Bellview has the following details:

Bellview Institute of Distance Learning has received accreditation through the accreditation body known as the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers. This has given the institute accreditation by the QCTO.

There is no need for educational institutions to go through an accreditation process to be able to offer the Adult Matric course. Bellview is an educational institution and so they do not need to undergo this process. The certificate you will get upon completing the course is accredited by Umalusi.

Requirements For The Adult Matric Course

When applying for an Adult Matric course, you will need to have an incomplete matric status (stating you did not pass your matric year or that you did not write matric) as well as a grade 9 certificate. 

You will need to be 21 or older when you write your final examinations, but you can start the course at the age of 19.

Why You Should Get A Matric Certificate

Having a matric certificate comes with many benefits, such as:

The Duration Of Adult Matric

The Adult Matric course can be completed in 12,24, or 36 months. You can pick whichever time frame will work best for you. It is recommended that you complete the course within a period of 12 to 24 months.

Should students find themselves struggling with any of the challenges that come with distance learning, Bellview provides students with access to a team of Course Specialists who will advise them on anything they may be going through. For example, lacking in Concentration, Staying motivated. To name a few.

Do Universities Accept Amended Senior Certificates?

If you do pass your Adult Matric course on the level of a Bachelor’s Degree, you will meet the basic minimum requirements for university registration.

There are, however, many other entry requirements that are specific to each different university course that you will have to meet. Your application will also be compared to other applicants, which is also something you have to keep in mind when applying.

You could also further your studies through distance learning by completing one of the accredited General Management Courses or any of the other Management or Business Administration Courses, Legal Secretary Course offered by Bellview. 

Most businesses have managers in some form or another, which means that the career opportunities in this field are numerous. Having a nationally and internationally recognized qualification to your name will put you far ahead of the competition. 

After Matric

 If you have successfully completed your matric, you can look into what to study after matric.

You could also have a look at all of the accredited post-matric courses Bellview has to offer.

Post matric courses offered by Bellview

NATED Management Assistant Courses
NATED Legal Secretary Courses
NATED Marketing Management Courses
NATED Business Management Courses
NATED Human Resource Management Courses

Applying With Bellview For Adult Matric

You can contact Bellview regarding Adult Matric registrations by:

  • Speaking to one of their course specialists
  • Contacting them on their landline: 0800 39 00 27
  • Completing their online application form:

Author: Karla Nortier
Editor: Megan Dreyer

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