Colleges usually offer a vast variety of courses. To find out what courses are offered by a particular college, it is often easiest to view their online course list. Many colleges have moved away from keeping large quantities of full brochures and prospectuses in print, and prefer to direct future students to their online course lists. Once you have narrowed down your options, you can normally request a hard copy of the course brochures for the courses that you are interested in.
Advantage of course lists online:
Because most colleges publish their course lists online, it is much quicker and easier to compare courses across colleges and to establish which colleges offer the courses that you would like to do. It is much more time-consuming to collect and read printed lists from many different colleges.
Some college websites have features that allow you to compare courses easily. If you are unsure about what you want to study, some online course lists include features that guide you in the process of finding a course that is best suited to your interests.
Find Skills Academy’s course list online:
Click here to view Skills Academy’s course list.
The list of courses that Skills Academy offers:
Bookkeeping & Accounting Studies
CIMA: Management Accounting Studies
Online Courses:
Some colleges offer courses that can be studied online. This means that you study via the internet, and do not physically attend classes. Studying online usually requires a fast, reliable internet connection.